This tool allows you to quickly remove from the specified Master list file
addresses that are contained in the input files.
As well as the Merge E-Mail Lists tool, for correct work of removal tool it is necessary, that input files and your Master file have been sorted. If you are not sure of this, put check marks in the appropriate Sort/De-Dup First options. They can be sorted alphabetically or by domain (see Sort By Domain option). Also you can turn on the Multi Column Support (see What is Multi Column Support for details).
Files Containing Remove Addresses
Input files and folders containing e-mail addresses to remove from the Master list file.
Master List File
Specifies the Master list file.
New Master List Minus Addresses Removed From The Old Master List
All addresses from the Master list file that are not present in the input files, will be stored in this file.
File Containing Addresses Removed From The Old Master List
Addresses from the Master list file that are present in the input files, will be stored in this file.
Also Remove These Addresses Automatically
By checking this option and entering your desired criteria, you can tell the OILM to remove all e-mails of the defined types. Each item in the criteria list specifies the termination of the addresses that will be automatically removed from the Master list file.
Sort By Domain (Advanced Sort Options)
This option allows you to work with e-mail lists sorted by domain.
Multi Column Support (Advanced Sort Options)
This option allows you to process multicolumn e-mail lists.